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Apollo Forms

Simple and extensible CMS for forms.

Apollo attempts to be as decoupled as possible from the client project. As such, it publishes message on key events which the client may receive and react to.

The below list enumerates signals published by Apollo, as well as their signatures.



fired when a form is submitted to the backend, but before the submission is cleaned / validated


form_submitted(raw_data, form_id, request) 
- raw_data = dictionary mapping field names to values
- form_id = ID of the Form instance submitted
- request = a django-rest-framework Request object


from django.dispatch import receiver
from apollo import signals

def create_new_obj(raw_data=None, form_id=None, **kwargs):
    new_form_activity = FormActivityLog.objects.create(form_id=form_id, raw_data=raw_data)

fired when a form has been cleaned and validated by the Apollo backend


form_submission_cleaned(cleaned_data, form_id, submission_id, request) 
- cleaned_data = dictionary mapping field names to cleaned and validated values
- form_id = ID of the Form instance submitted
- submission_id = ID of the FormSubmission instance created with the cleaned and validated data
- request = a django-rest-framework Request object


from django.dispatch import receiver
from apollo import signals

def create_new_obj(cleaned_data=None, form_id=None, submission_id=None, **kwargs):
    new_obj = MyObject.objects.create(**cleaned_data)

fired when a form validation error occurs


form_submission_error(error, raw_data, form_id, request) 

- error = description of the error 
- raw_data = dictionary mapping field names to values
- form_id = ID of the Form instance submitted
- request = a django-rest-framework Request object


from django.dispatch import receiver
from apollo import signals
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def create_new_obj(error=None, raw_data=None, form_id=None, **kwargs):
    logger.error('got form submission error %s for form %s' % (error, form_id))